Parameterized Queries

June 23, 2010

When you’re working with data-bound fields, the SLX Provider handles names or other data with apostrophes—like “O’Reilly”—or fields with Null values in them, without you needing to worry about it.

If you’re doing explicit string SQL Inserts or Updates, however—or using fields that could have apostrophes/nulls in them in your WHERE clauses—you’re probably used to passing the field values through Replace functions, and either testing for Nulls or kludg-ily concatenating empty strings onto the end of each field.

If you use parameterized queries instead of SQL strings, you can go back to not worrying about stuff like that.

Sage actually uses exactly that method in the OTB “System:SLX Lead Support” script, but it’s full of a lot of other unrelated code. In bare-bones terms, parameterized queries in VBScript look like this:

Dim strCommand
Dim objParams
Dim objCmd
Dim objRs


Set objCmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") 'DNL
Set objCmd.ActiveConnection = Application.GetNewConnection

objCmd.CommandType = adCmdText
objCmd.Prepared = True
strCommand = "SELECT Lastname FROM Contact " _
     & "WHERE AccountID = ? AND IsPrimary = ?"
objCmd.CommandText = strCommand

Set objParams = objCmd.Parameters

objParams.Item(0).Value = strAccountID
objParams.Item(1).Value = blnIsPrimary

Set objRs = objCmd.Execute


Set objRs  = Nothing
Set objParams = Nothing
Set objCmd = Nothing

It works exactly the same way for Inserts and Updates, just (obviously) without the objRs recordset.

If you’re getting weird errors, the Very First Thing to check is that the number of question-marks in the command string is equal to the number of parameters you’ve added.

And if you’ve ever wondered, the “DNL” that you see all over the place in SalesLogix OTB code stands for “Do Not Localize”—i.e., for strings which are just used internally and cannot be translated into other languages without having hugely detrimental effects on the program, as opposed to UI strings which can/should be localized into the user’s preferred language.

So it’s not just some developer’s initials. 🙂

Tips and Tricks – IV

May 20, 2010

Tips and Tricks IV: The Voyage Home.

  • SalesLogix performance will suffer with cursors being left open. If you are coding in SalesLogix it is very important that you close your Recordsets, setting your Recordsets to Nothing is NOT enough, you should always have code like this:
If oRS.State = 1 Then
End If
Set oRS = Nothing
' Need to restrict the Lookup to records where
' Account.Type='Customer' and Account.Location='US'):
LookUpName = "Account:Account"
RestrictAlways = True
Lookup.LookupRestrictField = "TYPE'"
Lookup.LookupRestrictOp = "='Customer' and LOCATION="
Lookup.LookupRestrictValue = "US"
  • Create a “.txt” file. Rename the file to “.udl”. When you double-click on the file it will display the standard connection designer!

And lots of good stuff from Ryan Farley’s site: